Mission Ready

        One of the societal problems in our country is Education, millions of poor children are affected by the lack of access to basic necessities like power, water, and amenities, particularly in rural communities. But still, some people are willing to change the lives of youths.

        He is Sir Lito, a man whom everyone admires as a teacher, an epitome of knowledge. In school, you might see him wearing a usual uniform for boys, loose slacks, a large size top, and a Jose Rizal-like hairstyle to make himself presentable when in class. He walks with pride with his shoes that shine all throughout the corridor gearing up and getting ready as he starts his mission to the community.

        Rowing Forward
        Sir Lito travels from Badiangan, Banga to Daja Norte, Banga where he works as an elementary teacher at Daja Norte Elementary School. Most of them travel through the Akean river where they ride in a 4-meter wooden balsa with an elongated bamboo that helps push forward.

        “Crossing Akean River feels like entering a hidden paradise where you can meet people who share their dreams with you, where they trust and love you,” Sir Lito said.

        The clear bluish water, birds chirping hiding behind the Ipil-Ipil tree, and puffy clouds of Akean River allow their cozy feeling and quenched souls adequate dreams for their children.

        Inside The Four Corners

        He is a wise man who will always stand up for his ideals throughout life. That is why his students admire him and want to be like him when they grow up.

        “Sir Lito’s way of teaching has a great impact on me as his former student, because of him I was able to read and graduate cum laude in college,” said Mary Karen Toledo, a Former Student.

        Sir Lito has been teaching for almost 17 years, his strength is not just his knowledge but his way of teaching allowing his students to feel like they are at home where they are safe and secured inside the four corners of the room.

Waves of Fear

Paradise as it may but beyond those journeys comes a great adventure. When heavy rain falls, in the blink of an eye water rises and covers the mossy grass and gray stones of Akean River with a tanned brown fast stream of water coming towards the riverside.

“seeing the waves rushing and driftwood coming, this is the time when I'm not sure if I'll make it home alive or not, “ said Sir Lito.

        With his folded knee-length pants he holds with a tight grip on the side of the balsa and prays to cross safely. Aware that neither life jackets nor any other equipment can save them, as they traverse in waves of fear.

Home away from home

After years of teaching at Daja Norte Elementary School, he was able to mold students who are equipped with talents, skills, knowledge, and wisdom.

"Daja Norte Elementary School is not just the place in which I teach; it's also my home away from home," Sir Lito remarked.

The story of Sir Lito was unlike any other. Students are unable to dispute his influence or the difference he made in their lives.  

        Even in the face of great adversity, Sir Lito had a deep compassion and connection with his students, as long as there are young people who have dreams and hope he will continue to cross through the streams of their dreams.




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